Beyond Printing Machine’s Blog
Printing has no such potential future influence printing, the most important factor, must come from the network. We see young people in public hands and children iPad, mobile phones, games from tomorrow, they became printing, airbrush compressor commercial printing buyers from the customer will no longer the gate walked in.
HP is the world's largest digital printers suppliers, you marketsplash network on the hewlett-packard company printing services, and that as long as the electronic document preach up, can require in the United States, Canada's any city or village stationery chain take to print.
In 2004, when the merger on the Moorish Wallace, began to develop their own digital printers. By 2010, the end of the year, when 16 sets himself announced has made in the United States ProteusJet digital printers on the workshop input by daily production work.
The world's largest express company united parcel express company (UPS), Fedex (Fedex) has branches all over the world or agency, these branches and offices are installed digital printers, even traditional offset press. United parcel express company waste oil drainer in the United States alone, there are 4,000 points, fedex 16 points, have printing machine. April 14, 2010, fedex and Canon, hewlett-packard company signed 1.2 million digital printers contract.
America's most famous network printing company wes of printing Co., LTD. (Vistaprint) and specially print manual silently Memeo) network champions (printing services company, have put YinChang built in united parcel express company this kind of express company, they are by transport hub in preparing for the future of printing.
Network printing feature is cannot refuse to delivery locations, cannot reject the amount of printing, so you have to offset to live with great printing, digital printing machine printing less live, no one will ask you use what printing machine seal.
Can imagine when network printing services, business gradually expand the exactly how many domestic?
Today's digital printing if even is not complete, no CTP published, no CIP3 or directly iZONE before printing and printing of cohesion, no ERP/MIS data what work is good business report, which is white, that such work, I'm afraid not. As the future

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